Astrology in SCIET
SCIET Dynamic's twelve angularities are the source of the twelve signs of Astrology.
Astrology is rooted in the earliest part of the SCIET.
According to the Single Cycle Integrative Effect Topology theory, all cycles begin with a Void state followed by a state of recognition, followed by a state of integration and then distribution before the cycle begins again.
The SCIET represents a complete cycle and the twelve corridors are only the first part, a sort of orientation component. The cycle begins as an outreach without orientation or definition of time or space, and when it encounters limitation, establishes its orientation in time and space.
The aforementioned twelve corridors represent a type of resonance antenna that is simultaneously tuned to twelve different frequencies. All points in space are in orientation to twelve sets at once and the dominant body is the SCIETline. For humans it begins with the earth, sun moon... But galaxy, sun, earth, moon and planets makes more sense for spirit. I suggest that this difference corresponds to the signs and the houses.
The SCIET dynamics are related to the ability of space to ground itself. The notion of an algorithm which orientates, and compresses a portion of the resonance energy into an infinitesimal state are pivotal concepts. It is calculated on a one-to-one basis and uses the simultaneous transfer of information on twelve continuously accessible channels as a fundamental concept.