SCIET Culmination
The Stages of Creation SCIET Culmination
Integration occurs at the moment of the Culmination when a defined value reduces a magnitude and defines a new Unitary Value at the SCIET Point of Magnitude. This is particularly applicable to neurological system where a volume of actions are required to unify all of the nerves involved into a single system for the purposes of a coordinated response to specific stimulus.
In the context of the SCIET Magnitude, the concept of the Spiritual Hirarchy is an important reference since it infers twenty levels of hirearchical subordination within the develpment cycle of the nervous system.
Integration, as with Culmination is related to the idea of limitation. A created system has a beginning and the Culmination occurs when the initial defined value subdivides to a value equal to the smallest, fastest value possible in that SCIET range. The resulting value is individuated and becomes resonant within the frequency values defined by the prior subdivisions. In the nervous system it distributes new information to all cells and governs all the transitions between value ranges. The neuro ststem
Culmination occurs in all created systems and its actual function in life is very similar to holographic fractionalization.
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