SCIET Creation Substance
SCIET Magnitude
SCIET Magnitude is derived by subdivision of the Unitary Value twenty times in a single cycle .
The Stages of Creation SCIET Creation Substance
SCIET Magnitude is the relationship between the Unitary Value and the SCIET's Point Value. The Unitary Value subdivides through Harmonic Fractional Receptive Reduction to its smallest measure, 1/1,048,512th.
We can combine SCIET Frequency Potential Levels with SCIET Magnitude and infer a method for the Awareness to establish a relationship with the Creation Substance. The Awareness is a Magnitude faster and smaller than the Creation Substance allowing the Awareness to inhabit the Substance with an ability to establish Unitary Values within it.
The SCIET Unitary Value is undivided in its length while the SCIET Point of Magnitude is the smallest segment after twenty subdivisions of the Unitary Value.
Harmonic Receptive Reduction fractionally subdivides the Unitary Value twenty times to reach its smallest segment, the SCIET Point of Magnitude where all angles of the SCIET originate.
Playing with the Magnitudes
Finding the relationship between cell size and the SCIET Magnitude.
A SCIET Magnitude is 1048512 in 1 Every SCIET Harmonic Receptive Reduction fractionally subdivides the Unitary Value twenty times to reach its smallest segment, the SCIET Point of Magnitude where all angles of the SCIET originate. |
Starting with a person's hieght above the ground, which would continuously generate a magnitude reduction cycle from gravity and motion on the attractant surface. Since the reduction cycle is based on the continuous creation of a new unitary value we can use a height of 66 inches divided by the SCIET Magnitude.
Converted to meters 66 inches is 1.7 meters divided by 1048512 to get 0.00000162 meters or 1.62 microns, which is one-fifth the average size of a blood cell, but the exact size of the cell nucleus and the right size for a frequency set that resonates with the DNA. Interesting but the size of a cell nucleus is similar for animals that are less than an inch tall.
Studying cells for insights about SCIET Magnitudes begins by cataloging all the cell sizes and their relative portion of the whole. If a skin cell is 500 microns and a blood cell is 7 microns the variation stepped up a magnitude is quite large. A skin cell magnitude larger size is more than a half kilometer, 524.25 meters, while the cell nucleus is just 1.7 meters. Clearly the role of Magnitudes has to do with the processing of space around the body for information affecting survival.
For more information see the NeuroSCIET pages
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