The SCIET derives from a single measure, the Unitary Value of the distance between the center and the edge, and defines all the space surrounding the center through equidistant angularities and subdivisions while retaining that definition of their existence together as a permanent record. The measure is as unlimited as the Awarness from which it came. There is no limit on smallness or largness except the speed of change itself.
The SCIETs spatial structure is a Resonance Map that can be illustrated by the use of twenty tetrahedral forms attached together at a single virtice.
The forms simulate the event horizon structure surrounding a tiny primeval single value blackhole, a continuing reaction of the void to the original charge intrusion. You might say that the SCIET is an isotope of black hole ``bubbles" that are stimulated into existance by the presence of difference and stabalized by resonance.
SCIET Relationship
Unitary Value
Is the single segment that subdivides to start the SCIET Cycle.
The Stages of Creation SCIET Relationship
The Unitary Value is the first value established in the outreach cycle when a match stimulates Resonance Return.
In Relationship it is the energy of the first event.
In Memory the SCIET cycle is the basis of Astrology.
The birth moment is when all the Unitary Values between the new individuals are established with the ancient DNA resonances based on the equally ancient planets.
The individual is at the center and the Unitary Value is the alignment with the Ancients (planets) at the birth moment. The The Memory-based capacitance spheres of the nacent being resonate due to alignments (Orientation) and the Unique Priciple.
Unitary Value has Orientation toward the the Planets and continuously reduces that value throughout life.
In SCIET Dynamics Orientation is based on the Unitary Value; it is from the center to the edge and all subsequent measures in all directions away from the point are based on subdivisions of that line.