The SCIET derives from a single measure, the Unitary Value of the distance between the center and the edge, and defines all the space surrounding the center through equidistant angularities and subdivisions while retaining that definition of their existence together as a permanent record. The measure is as unlimited as the Awarness from which it came. There is no limit on smallness or largness except the speed of change itself.
The SCIETs spatial structure is a Resonance Map that can be illustrated by the use of twenty tetrahedral forms attached together at a single virtice.
The forms simulate the event horizon structure surrounding a tiny primeval single value blackhole, a continuing reaction of the void to the original charge intrusion. You might say that the SCIET is an isotope of black hole ``bubbles" that are stimulated into existance by the presence of difference and stabalized by resonance.
SCIET Functional Cosmology
The Creation Stage of the Culmination
The Stages of Creation
At the moment of the Culmination all of the space in the Universe has been accounted for by the Harmonic Fractional Receptive Reduction of the Relationship. When the Unitary Value expressed by the Awareness in the Creation Substance reduces to the Frequency Level of the Creation Substance, Resonance Return Values begin individuation and Consolodation into protons, electrons and photons
Culmination in a system is related to the idea of limitation in the Creation itself. A created system has a beginning and the Culmination occurs when the initial defined value subdivides to a value equal to the smallest, fastest value possible in that SCIET range. The resulting value is individuated and becomes resonant within the frequency values defined by the prior subdivisions.
At the creation this resulted in the formation of protons based on the smallest and fastest resonant values, which remain in continuous resonant relationship.
Culmination is the basis of the holographic effect. Interestingly, the frequency required to achieve Magnitude Culmination may be the same frequency that will shatter an object and stimulate the effect. The holographic effect was discovered when a researcher broke a phographic plate and saw that all the tiny pieces had all developed a whole image. Another example is that when a soap bubble bursts it immediately culminates into its receptive reduction values, with the droplets in the mist created by the burst being tiny bubbles rather than droplets of water.
Culmination occurs in all created systems and is particularly noteworthy in the nervous system where it distributes new information to all cells and governs all the transitions between value ranges.