
The SCIET derives from a single measure, the Unitary Value of the distance between the center and the edge,  and defines all the space surrounding the center through equidistant angularities and subdivisions while retaining that definition of their existence together as a permanent record. The measure is as unlimited as the Awarness from which it came. There is no limit on smallness or largness except the speed of change itself.

The SCIETs spatial structure is a Resonance Map that can be illustrated by the use of twenty tetrahedral forms attached together at a single virtice.

The forms simulate the event horizon structure surrounding a tiny primeval single value blackhole, a continuing reaction of the void to the original charge intrusion. You might say that the SCIET is an isotope of black hole ``bubbles" that are  stimulated into existance by the presence of difference and stabalized by resonance.

 The Personal Ecliptic

The Personal Ecliptic


 I no longer use the term ``anti-charge". I now use the term ``derivative resonance values" or ``SCIETorbital layers" in its place. I decided that the term was confusing because it suggests that these values are the opposite of charge and they are not. In SCIET terms they are capacitance layers, spheric layers that are closed loops of charge effects created by the SCIETorbital phenomenon.

The nervous system is patterned after the environment in which it evloved. The sun has the ecliptic and the nervous system has the midline. Both systems move through space in relationship to a much larger dominant body, pushing through the fabric of space while processing the information in its path. Because movement of matter exceeds the ability of space to fully process the change, many mechanisms exist to handle the backup and delay in the processing.

The interaction of the lattice and layers of accumulated charge and anti-charge surrounding the solar disk wheels through space while processing the information in its path according to which side of the ecliptic it is on.

The radiant  consciousness that surrounds each life form "rolls" through space, with the friction created by the attraction to a dominant body driving the rotation. While the sun orbits a distant body, life "orbits" the earth. It is the constant motion above the earth which drives fundamental field processes of all living systems. Animals and plants react to movement to establish their life functions.

Each life form extends its own conscious presence into the space surrounding it. It is a real force like gravity, but not detectable as gravity. We call it awarness, as though it is only the result of energy impacting our senses. The reality is that senses are the evolved result of this awarness which fills the space around all life. scietastrchartillus

The principle of radiant consciousnes and gravity are rooted in the same reality. 

Movement in relationship to another body creates a reaction, an effort to return to the stasis or sameness which existed before. Continued movement creates a buildup of this that can only be corrected through merging the two bodies into a single entity. The two become one.

When movenment exceeds the ability of space to correct the change it continues to buildup a delayed reaction, accumulating the unfinished business of stasis. Faster movement causes more delayed action to be stored for later processing.




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