SCIET Awareness
All cycles are synchronous to the Universe. For every value or cycle there is a Universal Pulse, meaning that everywhere in the universe that the value exists, it is entering Unity at the same time.
The Stages of Creation SCIET Awareness
The Pulse is universal and every value is occurring in harmony with it. They are all entering Unity or Universal stasis at once. Thus change from throughout the Universe is joined into a single thought or energy state at the end of each Pulse and each new cycle emerges from Unity into a state of Universal Harmony. Since each cycle terminates into the Infinitesimal Substrate, it harmonizes with all the other cycles occurring during the same Pulse.The Pulse is very important to understanding the twelve angularities of the SCIET.
Each angularity is exists in the context of larger systems that share that angularity. During the pulse into Unity all the systems that go into unity at that moment harmonize or share information/energy. Sharing not only the moment but also the angular polarity makes the Unity more powerful. This is the source of the similarity between the astrological houses and signs which are references to each persons and the solar system's angularities.
The Yin Yang symbol of the ancient Chinese provides insight regarding the nature of the pulse. The fullness of each phase is seen to be of equal duration and intensity in the symbol, but understanding the simultaneous nature of many cycles and the fact that they are all able to maintain their own Pulse makes the Yin Yang clarity hard to achieve in practice. Like the Platonic Solids it is a teaching tool with a pure truth underlying it.
This idea is most easily understood through Set Theory. Each value is part of a set and the set is universal, existing everywhere as a potential to enter the unity simultaneously. During the transition into the void the set functions as a unit to dissipate the accumulated information/energy from each individual cycle. Origination from the Infinitesimal Substrate occurs on a foundation of the fusion in the Infinitesimal Substrate. Thus a Universal Pulse distributes the intrinsic knowledge of the universe to each new cycle or SCIET. The Pulse is the basis for the Unity Principle.
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