
The SCIET derives from a single measure, the Unitary Value of the distance between the center and the edge,  and defines all the space surrounding the center through equidistant angularities and subdivisions while retaining that definition of their existence together as a permanent record. The measure is as unlimited as the Awarness from which it came. There is no limit on smallness or largness except the speed of change itself.

The SCIETs spatial structure is a Resonance Map that can be illustrated by the use of twenty tetrahedral forms attached together at a single virtice.

The forms simulate the event horizon structure surrounding a tiny primeval single value blackhole, a continuing reaction of the void to the original charge intrusion. You might say that the SCIET is an isotope of black hole ``bubbles" that are  stimulated into existance by the presence of difference and stabalized by resonance.

 SCIET Dynamics

Dane Arr Announces
SCIET Functional Cosmology

Arr proposes a holographic frequency cosmology. It includes a mathematical three stage concept of the Source Field that precipitates into matter in the fourth stage. The Universe and neurology evolve on the same integrative effect principles.



Phi Resonance:  The secret of life!
SCIET Dynamics creates a system to understand the cause and source of frequencies operating with Phi Resonance.

SCIET Dynamics:  multi-dimensional cellular automata approach

phi lifeloc
SCIET Dynamics is a reconceptualization of the Universe based on a new unit of measure called the SCIET, whose basic and simple rules give rise to all the complexity of the Universe.  More...
The SCIET Functional Cosmology teachs the concepts of SCIET Dynamics, introducing them in the context of their manifestation in nature with a brief explanation of why the concept is needed and how it contributes to the creation. The Creation is an evolutionary platform and the Cosmology is the natural way to understand its complex progression.

Earlier versions of this web site have relied on the use of applications, examples of how SCIET Dynamics explains everyday activities, to convey the foundation ideas.  The Cosmology provides a platform for comprehension while the Applications enable recognition from experience. Spacimetrics (in development) addresses the ability to calculate SCIET Resonance Maps as a third platform for understanding SCIET Dynamics. Teaching and learning where we have come from and how things work while developing practical economic, social and spiritual benefits is the three part approach on this site.

The SCIET is the underlying pattern of creation. It is rooted in natural truths, abstractions that are true both in nature and mathematics.  Those natural truths are presented here in a cosmological progression,  the Stages of Creation. This means that we build a universe around the assumption that all points in space are definable as SCIETs and that the Universe evolved in that context. How these ideas may impact other areas of study is briefly discussed in the SCIET Applications section.

Each stage of creation can be understood in the context of the SCIET and its Dynamics.  Any definable location in space is a SCIET and all intersections are expressible as SCIETs. The
Harmonic Receptive Reduction algorithm of the SCIET continually reduces into smaller SCIETs until the original measure seems to vanish into the space of itself.  It is the notion that all points in space are definable as SCIETs that makes this possible.

Understanding the conditions before matter formed has necessitated the development of a consistent approach to the
Harmonic Receptive Reduction algorithm of SCIET Dynamics. Backward chaining the ideas of the SCIET to before the first action leads to the idea of SCIET Frequency Potential Levels as the basis for Awareness and the Creation Substance with Limitation thus enabling individuation, resonance and the beginning of Relationship setting the stage for Culmination and the formation of matter,

The SCIET Universe is created by the Awareness defining the Creation Substance as a limited space and then expressing a Unitary Value to that edge from its center that began to descend. magnitude by magnitude until it reached the value of the Creation Substance where it Culminated.

The  ``Stages of Creation" presentation has three stages before the "big bang" Culmination event, and discusses three after it, including the next stages beyond  where we are today. Each stage exists as a consequence of the prior stages.



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